Danela KRAJA (Bala) – "An approach (similarities and differences) of themes, motifs and heroes in Anglo-Saxon ballads, Albanian epics and some other Balkan ballads."
About the new developments and the enrichment of the political lexicon in the Albanian language after the 90s of the XX century until today - A comparative perspective with the developments of the political lexicon in the German language
Evis VASILI-"About the new developments and the enrichment of the political lexicon in the Albanian language after the 90s of the XX century until today - [...]
Acquisition of English for specific purposes: The field of tourism
Demir KROJ – "Acquiring English for Specific Purposes: The Field of Tourism"
The role of pragmatic competence in English language teaching and acquisition
Nivis DEDA – "The role of pragmatic competence in the teaching and acquisition of the English language"
About verb-based paradigmatic word-forming verses in Albanian and Greek
Edlira JORGAQI - "About verb-based paradigmatic word-forming strings in Albanian and Greek"
Anglicisms in the formation of terminology in informatics and electronics" (case study terminology of informatics and electronics engineering)
Jola BOJAXHI – "Anglicisms in the formation of terminology in informatics and electronics" (case study terminology of informatics and electronics engineering)
Female figures and chivalric-courtly love in Italian literature of the XII-XIV centuries
Erion KABAJ – "Female figures and chivalric-courtly love in Italian literature of the XII-XIV centuries"
Problems of translation equivalence of international achievement tests in the Albanian language
Luela LIÇI – "Problems of the equivalence of the translation of international achievement tests in the Albanian language"
Approach to metaphorism in the naming of parts of the human body in English and Albanian
Rozeta BICI – "Approach to metaphorism in the names of parts of the human body in English and Albanian"
Legal terminology in Albanian and Greek (interlingual and intercultural framework)
Marina KAISHI – "Legal terminology in Albanian and Greek (interlingual and intercultural framework)"