Projects Applying to UT - UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA

Projects Applying to UT


The University of Tirana is one of the first universities in Albania that has implemented the internationalization process within its academic system. Internationalization implies the approach towards strategic aims through partnerships and collaborations and constitutes a predominant trend as a preemptive reaction to opportunities, challenges and risks that accompany globalization.The research areas jointly target the development of education, culture, science and economy for the purpose of freedom and diversity of ideas, building and consolidating a democratic society and rule of law, increasing prosperity and human dignity, enabled through legal and transparent activities. Bilateral and multilateral scientific research activities enable the exchange of experiences and establishment of contacts for the joint realization of different research aspects between Albanian and international students.

The University of Tirana continues to review and promote the conclusion of bilateral and multilateral memoranda and agreements of understanding and cooperation in the scientific research and innovation area with prestigious universities for the purpose of expanding the portfolio of high-quality cooperation programs with strategic partners.

The main achievements of projects realized by the University of Tirana in the dimension of international cooperation are mainly met in improving curricula, increasing cooperation opportunities for scientific knowledge and achievements among the universities, increasing opportunities of academic staff qualification, improving infrastructure through the acquisition of specific equipment used in developing science, expanding cooperation networks through cultural exchanges and experiences between the participants, improvement of research techniques in accordance with the best EU standards and their comparison to participant countries in different projects.
Other achievements have contributed to encouraging researchers to cooperate beyond borders and specific sectors and developing and implementing innovative scientific procedures leading to a high educational quality and research work, institutional governance, functional management and modernization and social innovation.