Authorities and Governing Structures - UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA

Authorities and Governing Structures


The Rector is UT’s highest academic authority, and the legal representative on academic and protocol issues. In public higher education institutions, he is elected by the members of the academic staff assemblies of the main units (faculties) and the students.

The Senate is the UT’s highest academic collegial body responsible for accomplishing its mission. The Senate is chaired by the Rector and meets periodically. Members of the Academic Senate, of the University of Tirana, are elected by the academic staff assemblies of the main units (faculties).

The Rectorate, in the higher education institutions, it is the collegial body headed by the Rector and consists of:

  • The Rector;
  • The vice-rectors;
  • The administrator of the institution;
  • The leaders of the major units (faculties);
  • Board of Administration

The Board of Administration is the highest collegial administrative body, which guarantees the fulfillment of the mission of the higher education institution, its financial and administrative progress.

The Administrator is the highest administrative authority and responsible for the financial well-being of the institution.