In accordance with Article 7 of Law no. 119/2014 “On the Right to Information” is prepared the transparency program for the University of Tirana. This program defines the legal framework of the authority’s activity under law no. 119/2014 “On the Right to Information” (LDI).
This program is valued as a concrete way in which UT builds and enhances transparency in its institutional work, under the auspices of LDI. UT will update the Transparency Program from time to time, in accordance with point 2 of Article 5 of the LDI.
The information made public in this program aims to make the transparency of the work of UT work through its detailed coverage on the official website www.unitir.edu.al as well as in the public reception facilities. The Transparency Program is reflected in the rubrics, texts / content, timeline for its publication, how it is made public, and the relevant structure that produces or manages the document.
The content of the transparency program identifies the publication scheme, which reflects the menus where the document is addressed on the official website. In addition, any document is also accessible in the schema.
Documentation made public will be updated in form and content. The UT official website is built in a form that provides information to the public on request in easily understandable format. The sections of the official website also contain information characterized by restrictions on the identification of personal data due to the privacy of individuals / data subjects, etc.
The scheme of publication is presented through the summary table identified in this program.
The main principles underlying the UT Transparency Program are:
- The “right to information” is a constitutional right provided for in Article 23 thereof, accessible to all without exception.
- Presumption of maximum publication of data. UT exercises public functions, therefore the information that derives from its activity is published in accordance with the legislation in force.
- Correct implementation of the law and legal provisions that specifically regulate the activity of the UT and respectively: Law no. 9741 dated 21.5.2007 “On the higher education becomes the Republic of Albania” amended, Law no. 7961 dated 12.7.1995 “The Labor Code of the Republic of Albania” amended, Law no. 8485 dated 12.5.1999 “The Code of Administrative Procedures” , Law No. 9367, dated 7.4.2005 “On the Prevention of Conflict of Interest in the Exercise of Public Functions”, as amended, Law No. 9049, dated 10.4.2003, “On the Disclosure and Control of the Assets, Financial Obligations of the Elected some public servants ”, Law No. 8480 dated 27.5.1999“ On the Functioning of Collegial Bodies of State Administration and Public Entities ”, and bylaws such as DCM No. 467 dated 18.7.2007“ On the Establishment of Criteria and Procedures for qualification, scientific and pedagogical, of academic staff ”as amended, DCM No. 331 dated 23.3.2009“ On the division into levels within the categories of academic staff, their rankings, as well as the criteria and qualifications for each country working ”, DCM no. 864 dated 5.12.2007 “On the opening of doctoral studies programs in public higher education institutions and determining the conditions to be fulfilled by the student for obtaining the diploma for the scientific degree” doctor “, UT Statute adopted on 16.12. 2009 by the Academic Senate as amended, UT Regulation adopted by Decision No. 5 dated 12.4.2010 by the UT Academic Senate, as amended; Regulation on the Functioning of the Computer System at the University of Tirana ”, approved by letter No. 317/1 dated 31.3.2014; UT Code of Ethics; Internal Rules of Procedure approved by Order no.
4. The information is adapted in clear and understandable language.
5. The oversight body of public information procedures is the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data ”(hereinafter KDIMDP).
6. The transparency program shall be revised according to the same procedure through which its approval is made.
7. On-demand public information should be:
– complete;
– accurate;
– up-to-date;
– simple in consultation;
– understandable;
– easily accessible;
– compatible with original documents in the possession of public authority.
The information permitted for publication is expressly provided for in Article 7 of Law no. 119/2014 “On the Right to Information”. In accordance with this approved transparency program, the University of Tirana makes available to the public on its website www.unitir.edu.al and in the public reception facilities, categories of the following information:
– Organizational structure of public authority;
– Full texts of ratified conventions, laws, bylaws, codes of conduct, policy documents, manuals or any other document related to the exercise of its functions and affecting the general public;
– Information on the procedures to be followed in making an information request, mailing and email address for filing information requests, and the appeal decision procedures;
– Information on the location of public authority offices, working hours, name and contact information of the coordinator for the right to information;
– Information on the education, qualifications and salaries of officials, who are required by law to declare assets, pay structures for other employees, and a description of the election procedures, powers and duties of senior public authority officials and the procedure they follow to make decisions;
– Monitoring and control mechanisms acting on public authority, including strategic work plans, audit reports by the State Supreme Audit or other entities, and documents containing indicators of authority performance;
– Data on budget and expenditure plan for the following financial year and previous years, as well as any annual report on budget implementation.
– Information on procurement procedures or competitive public / private partnership concession procedures, respectively, as provided by law no. 9643, dated 20.12.2006, “On public procurement”, carried out on behalf of the public authority, including: list of contracts awarded, contracted amount, contracting parties and description of contracted services or goods, implementation and monitoring information of contracts, as well as various guidelines and policies;
– Information on services the authority provides to the public, including standards of quality of service, a description of the categories and forms of social assistance and subsidies for excellent students provided by the public authority and the procedures for obtaining them, information and documents required at time, any other information deemed useful by the public authority;
– Any mechanism and procedure for making claims and appeals concerning acts or omissions of the public authority, the procedure by which interested persons may express their opinions or in any other way influence the drafting of laws, public policies or the exercise of the functions of the UT, a simple description of the system used by the public authority to maintain documentation, types, forms of documents, and categories of information made public without a request;
– UT also creates and archives a digital copy of its official website, complete with the information required in the approved transparency program, as well as the methods, mechanisms and periodicity of public information disclosure available to the public without request;
– Acts containing rules, norms or restrictions of the individual’s fundamental rights and freedoms, and with direct effect on them, shall be made public by posting or posting on the official website, within 48 hours of the adoption of the act by the UT- ja.
Information published under this scheme is updated as it changes.
In accordance with this approved transparency program, UT makes available to the public on its website www.unitir.edu.al and in the public reception facilities, the above categories, in a special menu entitled “ Transparency Program ”.
The Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data monitors the implementation of the law on the right to information, promoting the principle of transparency in the work of public authorities, in particular by sensitizing and informing on issues of the right to information.
The Commissioner makes recommendations to public authorities regarding the conception and implementation of institutional transparency programs.
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