[SMART4ALL]: 2nd Webinar on Open Calls - UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA

[SMART4ALL]: 2nd Webinar on Open Calls

The H2020 project SMART4ALL invites you to register for the webinar aiming to provide information on how to apply for equity-free funding up to 80.000 EUR through SMART4ALL Open Calls.  “Open Calls for Cross-Border Technology Transfer Experiments”

The registration will be opened until June 29th. However, current capacity of the webinar is 95 participants and we accept the participants on the first come, first served basis. So we may opt to close the registration earlier if all available spots are covered. There is no registration fee for the webinar.

Due to an excessive interest in our webinars on open calls, we are now organizing 2nd webinar on July 1st at 11:00 (CEST).

The 2nd webinar is already half-booked with participants overflowing from the first one, with unfortunately only 27 spots remaining. However, there are still available spots and WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE PARTICIPATION FROM SOME UNDERREPRESENTED COUNTRIES. We particularly encourage partners to intensify their dissemination regarding the webinar in the following countries:


·        Montenegro

·        Albania

·        Kosovo

·        North Macedonia

·        Cyprus

·        Germany

·        Czechia

·        Slovakia

·        Lithuania and

·        Latvia.

Please, note that we will keep the registration open only until the remaining 27 available spots are filled in, but no later than Monday, June 29th. There will probably be more webinars with the forthcoming calls and we will make an effort to put all available materials online for all those who don’t make it this time.

In the attachment you can find the announcement for the 2nd webinar.

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