Virtual center of professional development and training - UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA

Virtual center of professional development and training

Professional Development Center
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The University of Tirana, based on article 37, point 1, of Law no. 80/2015, “On higher education and scientific research in higher education institutions in the Republic of Albania”, article 30 point 1, of the UT Statute; at the proposal of the Vice-Rectors of the University of Tirana, supported in principle by the Rector of UT, in the meeting dated 25.11.2021, the Academic Senate of UT decided to approve the establishment of the Virtual Center for Professional Development and Training at the University of Tirana .

Decision No. 48, dated 25.11.2021, “For the approval of the establishment of the Virtual Center for Professional Development and training at the University of Tirana”

The call for expressions of interest for trainers of the virtual professional development and training center at UT is open. Thanking you for your cooperation and contribution, please fill out the form at the following link:   Email: