The University of Tirana in collaboration with the University of Pristina and the University of Tetova invites students and young researchers to participate in the student scientific conference “Scientific research and education in the perspective of students and young researchers” (II).

This Conference in its second edition aims to present achievements in the field of scientific research by students and young researchers and to create a network of cooperation between them to promote research, innovation and creativity. The conference also aims to promote the internationalization and cooperation of our universities, of their scientific products, creating a platform where the capacity of students and the University is promoted and increased.

The conference will be held on December 12, 2024, in Tirana and its proceedings will be held in two languages, in Albanian and in English.

Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline: November 10, 2024

Notice of acceptance of works: November 20, 2024

Submission of full articles (for publication): January 10, 2025

Abstracts are submitted via the form Complete the form (Click here):

For abstract and full paper format instructions, click here (INSTRUCTIONS)

Conference topics include the following areas:  

Albanological science, geographical science, communication science

  • Today’s language
  • Historical linguistics
  • Applied language
  • Teaching methods and technology
  • Albanian literature
  • Foreign literature
  • Geography
  • Applied geographic information technology
  • Communication Sciences and Journalism
  • History
  • International Relations
  • Intercultural communication
  • Cultural heritage
  • Archaeology


Foreign languages, translation, didactics

  • Learning through the use of new technologies in teaching
  • Using innovative platforms and applications in teaching.
  • The benefits and perspectives of the integration of technologies in teaching and learning.
  • Research skills, achievements and problems.
  • The study of foreign languages ​​and language contacts.
  • Comparative linguistic/literary studies, approach studies.
  • Experience in teaching and learning translation, interpretation and intercultural communication.


Natural sciences

  • Biotechnology
  • Cellular, molecular biology.
  • Microbiology, Genetics, Biochemistry
  • Animal and plant physiology
  • Botany, Zoology, Ecology
  • Protection and management of the environment
  • Hydrobiology and Marine Biology
  • Biophysics and medical physics
  • Theoretical and Computational Physics
  • Material structure
  • Applications of chemical analysis in the control and prevention of pollution in the environment and in food products
  • Electrochemistry, corrosion processes, sensors and biosensors
  • Physical chemistry and surface phenomena
  • Industrial and food technology
  • Engineering of industrial and environmental processes. Silicate materials
  • Control and safety and quality of foods,
  • Algebra and geometry
  • Functional analysis, differential equations
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Numerical analysis and optimization
  • Intelligent systems and new technologies; electronic government
  • E-Health, E-Commerce and E-Business systems and applications
  • Application of Informatics in natural sciences
  • Didactics in natural sciences


Legal science

  • Human rights and Constitutional justice
  • Human rights and constitutional justice
  • Legal actions
  • Protection of privacy rights in the digital world.
  • Handling legal issues in the age of artificial intelligence”
  • The evolution of international law in the digital age
  • Challenges and opportunities in criminal justice reform
  • Ethical dilemmas in the legal profession
  • Empowerment of women in the legal field
  • The intersection of law and social justice
  • The right of representation in the procedural law and the corresponding changes in the Code of Criminal Procedure

Social science

  • Investigating the psychological impact and social dynamics of social media platforms on individuals’ well-being, identity formation, and interpersonal relationships
  • Understanding stress responses and developing effective coping mechanisms
  • Uncovering the complexity of addiction and substance use disorders
  • Motivation dynamics and goal setting strategies
  • Navigating the Intersections of Social Identities: Prejudice, Discrimination, and Strategies for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Emotional intelligence and its impact on the well-being of individuals
  • Social work and sustainable development
  • Social work with and for vulnerable groups
  • Evidence-based policy making and administration of social programs and services
  • Social work and transformative change
  • Philosophy of technology
  • Applied ethics
  • Philosophical anthropology
  • Sociological studies in the field of tourism
  • Sociological studies in the field of human rights family
  • Sociological studies on urban/rural developments
  • Sociological studies on media and communication and on political developments
  • Sociological studies on issues of culture and cultural interaction
  • Sociological studies in the field of education
  • Sociological studies on health and aging



  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Economics of development
  • Economy of work
  • Economics of health
  • Environmental economics
  • Public economy
  • International economy
  • Financial economy
  • Industrial organizations
  • Economic history
  • Marketing-tourism
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Statistics and applied informatics


University of Tirana in collaboration with the University of Prishtina and the University of Tetovo invites students and young researchers to become part of the second international student conference:

Research and education from the perspective of students and young researchers

This Conference, in its second edition, aims to present ac The second edition of this conference aims to showcase the accomplishments of student and young researchers in the field of scientific research, and to establish a network of collaboration among them to foster research, innovation, and creativity. Additionally, the conference seeks to promote internationalization and collaboration among our universities and their scientific outputs, creating a platform to enhance and highlight the capabilities of both students and the university.

The conference will be held on December 12, 2024

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: November 10, 2024

Acceptance notification: November 20, 2024

Full paper submission deadline: January 10, 2025.

Abstracts may be submitted via this form:

Abstracts may be submitted via this form (click here):

For guidelines for abstracts and full paper submissions, click here: (GUIDELINES)

We invite submissions that address issues related to the following fields:

Albanology, Communication Sciences, Geography, Archaeology

  • Linguistics (Historical linguistics, Applied linguistics)
  • Teaching methods and technology
  • Albanian literature
  • Foreign literature
  • Technology of Applied geographic information
  • Communication sciences and journalism
  • History
  • International Relations
  • Intercultural communication
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Archaeology


Foreign languages and translation

  • Learning by using electronic devices
  • Platforms and innovative applications
  • Research skills, achievements, and challenges.
  • Experiences with research projects.
  • Studying foreign languages and the way they influence each other
  • Contrastive grammar, and comparative literary analysis.
  • Experience in teaching and learning foreign languages.
  • Teaching, translation, and intercultural communication experiences.


Natural Sciences

  • Biotechnology
  • Cell, molecular biology.
  • Microbiology, Genetics, Biochemistry
  • Animal and plant physiology
  • Botany, Zoology, Ecology
  • Conservation and management of the environment
  • Hydrobiology and Marine Biology
  • Biophysics and medical physics
  • Theoretical and computational physics
  • Structure of materials
  • Applications of chemical analysis in the control and prevention of pollution in the environment and in food products
  • Electrochemistry, corrosion processes, sensors and biosensors
  • Physical chemistry and surface phenomena
  • materials
  • Industrial and food technology
  • Industrial and environmental process engineering. Silicate Food safety and quality control,
  • Algebra and geometry
  • Functional analysis, differential equations
  • Probability and statistics
  • Numerical analysis and optimization
  • Intelligent systems and new technologies; electronic government
  • E-Health, E-Commerce and E-Business systems and applications
  • Application of Informatics in natural sciences
  • Didactics in natural sciences



  • Human rights and Constitutional Justice
  • Legal actions
  • Protecting Privacy Rights in the Digital World.
  • Navigating Legal Issues in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Evolution of International Law in the Digital Age
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Criminal Justice Reform
  • Ethical Dilemmas in the Legal Profession
  • Empowering Women in the Legal Field
  • The Intersection of Law and Social Justice
  • The right of representation in the procedural law and the amendments of the Code of Criminal procedure


Social Sciences

  • Investigating the psychological impact and social dynamics of social media platforms on individuals’ well-being, identity, and interpersonal relationships
  • Understanding responses to stress and developing effective coping mechanisms
  • Discovering the complexities of addiction and substance use disorders
  • Dynamics of motivation and goal setting strategies
  • Navigating the intersections of social identities: prejudice, discrimination and strategies for promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Emotional intelligence and its impact on the well-being of individuals
  • Social work and sustainable development
  • Social work with and for vulnerable groups
  • Evidence-based policy making and administration of social programs and services
  • Social work and transformative changes
  • Philosophy of technology
  • Applied ethics
  • Philosophical anthropology
  • Sociological studies in the field of tourism
  • Sociological studies in the field of family and human rights
  • Sociological studies on urban/rural developments
  • Sociological studies on media & communication and political developments
  • Sociological studies on issues of culture and cultural interaction
  • Sociological studies in the field of education
  • Sociological studies on health and aging



  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Development Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Health Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • Public Economics
  • International Economics
  • Financial Economics
  • Industrial Organization
  • Economic History
  • Marketing and Tourism
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Statistics and applied informatics