Ceremony of awarding the title "Doctor Honoris Causa" to Mr. Michael Granoff - UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA

Ceremony of awarding the title “Doctor Honoris Causa” to Mr. Michael Granoff

Today on 18.05.2018, was held the Ceremony of awarding the title “Doctor Honoris Causa” për Z. Michael D. Granoff with the motivation: “For a valuable contribution to the promotion and development of sustainable models and best practices in the fields of economy, culture and education in Albania”.
The ceremony was attended by Mr. Bujar Nishani, former President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Donald Lu, Ambassador of the United States of America in Tirana, Besa Shahini, Deputy Minister of Education, Sports and Youth, Mr. Lulzim Basha, Chairman of the Democratic Party, Mr. Gent Sejko, Governor of the Bank of Albania, Mr. Edmond Spaho, Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of DP, senators of the University of Tirana, personalities from the field of education, science and other fields as well as other guests.

In his speech, the Rector of the University of Tirana, Prof. Dr. Mynyr Koni talked about the role and contribution of Mr. Granoff and the Albanian American Development Foundation they have given in many areas of life in Albania. Also, the Rector, Prof. Dr. Mynyr Koni stressed the importance that the Albanian American Development Foundation has made for youth and education in Albania through Education and Leadership projects, citing concretely the Memorandum of Understanding that the University of Tirana has with AADF for the replacement of current text books with international publications as well as implementing the “CleanScore” program, which enables digital exam correction. Prof. Dr. Mynyr Koni expressed appreciation for the excellent historical relations between the Albanian people and the American people and his gratitude for the decisive and vital role that the United States has expressed for the entire Albanian nation in all the Albanian speaking lands and spaces.

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