Erasmus+ Days 2020 at the University of Tirana - UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA

Erasmus+ Days 2020 at the University of Tirana

In the framework of Erasmus+ Days 2020, the University of Tirana organized an informing session on the Erasmus+ Programme and its implementation in the UT.

The meeting included Prof Dr Artan Hoxha, Rector of the University of Tirana, Ms. Ada Ramaj, Director of the Erasmus+ Office for Albania, Ms. Anne-Elisabeth Gautier, Attaché for Collaboration from the French Embassy, as well as academic staff from the University of Tirana.

In his speech, the Rector of the UT, Prof Dr Artan Hoxha, expressed his full support for the participation in Erasmus+ Programmes to foster and increase the number of interinstitutional agreements in order to increase opportunities for the development of mobilities for UT students and staff. Furthermore, the Rector expressed his full supports in building capacities as regards human resources and consolidated structures to increase project writing and management in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme and beyond.

Moreover, the Rector thanked Ms. Ada Ramaj for the fruitful cooperation of the Erasmus+ National Office with the University of Tirana.

In her speech, Ms. Ada Ramaj spoke on future opportunities of the Erasmus+ Programme and ensured a higher level of cooperation with the UT.

Furthermore, Prof Dr Artan Hoxha thanked Ms. Anne-Elizabeth Gautier, Attaché for Collaboration at the French Embassy, for the support shown up to now towards UT students and staff.

In her speech, Ms. Anne Elisabeth Gautier noted that the French Embassy will continue to support in different projects and commitments the UT staff and students.

This meeting served to promote mobility opportunities and the UT’s participation in different Erasmus+ projects by sharing some of the best experiences and practices.