The message of the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Artan HOXHA for the beginning of the New Academic Year 2024-2025 - UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA

The message of the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Artan HOXHA for the beginning of the New Academic Year 2024-2025

Dear fellow professors, academic staff of the University of Tirana!

Dear students!

I am equally excited at the beginning of each academic year. Despite the fact that the years pass and the experience has to take its toll, it seems that along with the years the responsibility, the challenges and the desire to do the best increases.

The start of the academic year is a very important event for all of us. Allow me to wish good work to the hard workers, the academic staff and the staff of UT.

Many successes to all students in every study program of every faculty and unit of UT, and in particular, I would like to warmly welcome those who sit in the university auditoriums for the first time, success and good academic journey!

And in fact, this new academic year also coincides with the renewal of all management structures at the university and faculty level. The June elections concluded a phase and opened a new chapter for our ambitions to modernize, perfect and internationalize our university. We come into this academic year, not simply with promises, but with new energy and the determination to realize them.

Together, we are witnessing a continuous process of transformation of teaching, starting from infrastructure, methodologies, but also capacities.

Without wanting to bore you, let me briefly say two or three concrete things:

Our university was accredited at the institution level in 2023, for a period of 6 years. We have signed 177 agreements within the Erasmus program. We have 172 international partners, in 40 different countries.

We are on an unstoppable path of internationalization, to give more value to your studies and diploma already for a global market. We are increasing the number of study programs in English in the Bachelor and Master cycle approved by MAS. We also offer 4 joint programs with other European universities with a double degree. University alliances will increase opportunities for mobility and studies for double or multiple degrees with well-known European universities.

For the second year in a row, the international student scientific conference will be held, a great opportunity for young people who want to prove their fatherhood in scientific research.

We have signed dozens of agreements with large local and foreign institutions and companies, with the aim of developing teaching practices, internships, but also establishing connections to identify employment opportunities or adapt study programs to market demands.

However, the University of Tirana is not only identified by degrees. It is also a large youth center, with an active social life and space for talent development in various fields. Where you, dear students, have the opportunity to be involved in various initiatives with a social and cultural character. Enthusiasts of many sports have here the space to exercise, cultivate talent and demonstrate their skills in national and international competitions.

And this is the mentality of social inclusion, the mentality of a community of young people, with a common constructive spirit, that cultivates and exercises values ​​and talents, as an active and responsible citizen of society, thus motivated enough to be excellent professionals.

Allow me once again to wish you all, students and academic staff, success in this academic year!

Rector of the University of Tirana

Prof. Dr. Artan HOXHA