INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balkans, - INTERBA - UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA

INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balkans, – INTERBA

Title: INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balkans, – INTERBA

Reference: 610429-EPP-1-2019-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Duration: 10 Feb 2020 – 14 Nov 2022 (postponed)

Program: Erasmus+ KA2


The project’s purpose is to strengthen the international, intercultural and global dimension through implementing internationalization at home (IAH) in partner HEIs for the purpose of increasing the quality of education and giving a significant contribution to society.

The project’s objectives include:

  • formulating a coherent and detailed concept of IaH that may be included in the partner HEIs Guide following their specific needs
  • to expand the range and sustainability of IaH activities implemented in partner HEIs
  • to train the group of experts skilled in developing and integrating IaH in the HEI environment
  • to start an online platform as a tool to implement IaH
  • to create/modernize the existing structure/entities responsible for IaH in HEIs

During the first year, the project will attempt to make an analysis of all previous international projects applied in each country in the area of internationalization. This will not only provide a summary of mechanisms used to promote internationalization, but also ensure a gap analysis that opens the gate to further and systematic improvement. This will allow for the formulation of a coherent and unified IaH concept in all countries, which will facilitate the concept’s understanding and implementation in the practical sense. An online platform will open for all partners to support the e-learning process, monitor training and the translation of documents. The final expected results of the INTERBA project are:

  • Building research capacities and quality of research results of PC universities;
  • Starting a continuous cooperation process in research and innovation through universities and local enterprises.

Coordinator: University of Tirana

Partners: Middlesex University (UK) 

  • Hamburg University of Technology (GERMANY) 
  • University of Cagliari (ITALY) 
  • European Center of Studies and Initiative (ITALY) 
  • European University of Tirana (UET) (ALBANIA) 
  • University of Pristina (UP) (KOSOVO) 
  • University of Tuzla (BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA) 
  • Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar (UNMO) (BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA) 
  • Universum College (UC) (KOSOVO)