Title: SEctor Adaptive VIrtual Early Warning System for marine pollution- SEAVIEWS
Reference: 951
Duration: 2020-2022
SEAVIEWS works to develop a new early warning virtual system to prevent and manage marine pollution from different sources (e.g., oil spills, sea waste, etc.).
The project will develop an international network that aims to extract, save and analyze data regarding seawater quality through intelligent sensors based in critical stationary and mobile points. Individuals will also be able to post observations in real time regarding marine pollution by using an application developed by the project.
Centers will be established working in marine pollution so as to raise awareness on marine pollution issues and engage civil society in preventing marine pollution.
Main partner:
- National Technical University of Athens
- Interuniversity National Consortium on Marine Sciences (IT)
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Architecture (HR)
- Ministry of Transport and Marine Affairs (ME)
- E-Institute (SI)
- University of Tirana (AL)
- Group of Chambers on the Development of Greek Islands (EL)